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Make Your Kids’ Walls a Canvas With These Different Types of Wall Paint Ideas

Updated: Apr 4

different types of paint

A child’s bedroom should be a vibrant, whimsical wonderland where creativity and delight collide in an array of colors and textures. With different types of paint, you can transform their room into a canvas that breathes life into their wildest imaginings. Color us dreamers, but we often wonder why adults can’t have such cool spaces.

While you might play it safe with “mature” colors and textures for your own room, there’s no need to hold back when it comes to your kids. Let’s look at the colors, textures, and techniques that bring a bit of zest and personality into your child’s room.

different types of paint for doodling kids bedroom

Dazzling Color Combinations for Kids’ Walls

Choosing the right palette for your children’s room lets you embrace a bit of both wild and whimsical design. Consider their age, personality, and the room’s style, in addition to the existing furniture and decor.

When it comes to colors, try to balance vibrant tones with more calming shades. Here are a few of our favorite color combos:

  • Blue and Yellow: This pairing gives an energetic and playful vibe. The lively duo creates an inviting atmosphere that sparks creativity. Take a twist on tradition with aqua and tangerine for a refreshing and modern variation that adds a pop of excitement.

  • Pink and Orange: This cheerful and eye-catching combo injects a bit of feminine energy. If you want a blend of neutral and active, consider light pumpkin and soft wheat. This combination strikes the perfect balance for a space that’s both lively and calming.

  • Green and Purple: These complementary colors bring a touch of serenity with a hint of warmth. They can be both fun and calming, especially with the right choice of shades. Imagine a pastel green backdrop with dark purple accents that transforms your child’s space into a tranquil oasis.

Be bold when you’re matching different types of paint color combos. Doing so will turn your kid’s walls into a canvas of color that reflects their unique personality.

Texture and Sensory Wall Finishes

Transform your kids’ rooms into a tactile wonderland with textured paint finishes that go beyond the ordinary. Interacting with different types of paint and textures enhances the visual appeal of the space. It also contributes to experiential learning and motor skill development. In fact, these textured and sensory wall ideas bring creativity right into your home, providing a multisensory experience for your little ones.

Create a Drawing Wall

Encourage artistic expression with a chalkboard or whiteboard wall. These interactive paints turn your walls into a canvas, allowing your kids to unleash their creativity. They’re also easy to clean, so it’s a hassle-free way for your children to explore drawing directly on their walls. Just make sure they’re old enough to distinguish their special wall from the rest of the house!

different types of paint

Bring on the Texture

Add a touch of intrigue with suede or other textured finishes. You can create visually engaging and tactically interesting surfaces by incorporating sand and other additives into the paint. It’s a simple yet effective way to stimulate your child’s sense of touch and curiosity.

Magnetic Fun

For an interactive and educational twist, consider magnetic paint. Smaller children will like simple puzzles or alphabet letter magnets, while older kids will enjoy storytelling magnets. This fosters both creativity and learning. To further enhance functionality, double up on layers of magnetic paint for an even stronger magnetic pull.

Different Types of Paint Techniques: Encouraging Kids’ Creativity

If you really want to embrace whimsy and creativity, try one of these different types of paint techniques. Let’s explore how each method adds a unique touch to your kids’ space. As a result, you’ll spark creativity and memories that linger long after the paint has dried.

Sponge Painting

Sponge-painted walls not only look fun, but they can also be an approachable way to involve your children in the painting process. Choose natural sponges that have visually interesting textures. Practice on cardboard first, then start sponging from the upper corners down. To keep things mess-free, wear gloves and maybe even full coveralls. Then, watch your walls come to life!

Stencil Art

You don't need advanced artistic skills to create intricate designs. Using stencils, you can create scenes from your child’s wildest dreams. Choose specific wall stencils and practice on cardboard before applying them to the wall with adhesive spray and painter’s tape. From full-wall designs to charming borders, different types of stencils offer an artistic edge that’s easy to achieve with paint.

different kinds of paint

Handprint and Footprint Murals

Kids grow fast, but you can capture a sweet moment in time with handprints and footprint murals. Use non-toxic, water-based paint to tackle this painting project safely and easily. Get creative and turn your children’s prints into imaginative characters or scenes. Or arrange handprints into larger shapes like whales or trees. Add new prints periodically to track your kids’ growth.

Glow-in-the-Dark Paint

Infuse some magic into your nighttime routine with glow-in-the-dark paint. For this interior painting technique, start with a light base color, then add the luminescent layer. Illuminate the entire wall or craft special designs. This is especially effective on the ceiling, where you can paint constellations to recreate the night sky. Your kids will love seeing their room come to life when the lights go out.

Kindness Beyond Borders: One Random Act of Kindness From Around the World

Random acts of kindness seem more important now than ever, which is why we love this sweet story. Iowa high school senior Lauren Schroeder grew 7,000 pounds of produce in her half-acre garden this season and donated it all to local food banks and nonprofits.

Many food drives get boxes and cans of food, but Lauren made a difference by giving folks access to fresh produce. It’s so refreshing to see the compassion and creativity of our younger generations.

Bring Wonder to Your Kids’ Walls With Different Types of Paint

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

Whether it’s tomato red or banana yellow, different types of paint colors, techniques, and textures bring a creative flair into your child’s space. Let their imagination run wild as they design a room just for them.

If you need help, reach out to our team at Procoat Athens. You’ll find our contact information at the bottom of our website.

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